Dear Member,
As we’ve previously announced, Heartland Area Federal Credit Union (HAFCU) joined Omaha Federal Credit Union (OFCU) January 2, 2025. This merger strengthens our ability to serve you with greater resources and continued financial stability.
AFTER April 1, 2025, OFCU members will have access to two additional (former HAFCU) branches. The new locations are:
As well, after April 1, 2025, former HAFCU members will have access to OFCU’s three branches:
In culmination, OFCU members and former HAFCU members will have access to ALL FIVE branch locations as of April 2, 2025. Call or text 402.399.9001.
Thank you for being a valued member of OFCU and for your support as we embark on this exciting new chapter together.
Chris Byous
President, OFCU
Omaha Federal Credit Union (OFCU) & Heartland Area Federal Credit Union (HAFCU)
Merger Questions and Answers Information
Q: When will the merger take place?
A: The legal merger took place January 2, 2025. The system merger will be April 1, 2025. All members will conduct their banking in the same manner as they do today until the system merger has been completed. Both HAFCU locations will be closed on April 1, 2025, to complete the merger. On April 2, 2025, both HAFCU branch locations will be back OPEN and OFCU and former HAFCU members will have access to all FIVE branch locations:
Q: Who do I contact if I have more questions?
A: You may contact us by phone or text at 402-399-9001 or email us at [email protected].
Q: How do I stay updated as things change?
A: You can stay up to date by visiting and navigating to this Merger Questions & Answers Information page.
Q: Is there anything I need to do before the system merger?
A: Please make sure your contact information and address are current on your account so that we may stay connected to you. Also, please log in to your online banking and download all eStatements and Bill Pay information.
Q: Will my online banking and mobile banking app change after the April 1, 2025, system merger?
A: Yes, you will need to visit to access your online banking after April 1, 2025. There is also a link for our mobile banking app. You will login in with your existing HAFCU login information. Remember to download all your eStatements and Bill Pay information BEFORE March 31, 2025. These eStatements will NOT be available electronically after this date. You will be able to access paper statements from one of OFCU’s branch locations.
Q: Will I receive a new VISA® Debit Card?
A: New VISA® Debit Cards will be mailed the middle of March 2025. Begin using OFCU VISA® Debit Cards on April 2, 2025, as HAFCU cards will be deactivated on April 3, 2025, at 2 a.m.
Q: Will my account number change?
A: Most members will NOT have a new account number. Members who do require a new account number because of a duplicate account number at OFCU will be notified separately. If you require a new account number, we will simply add a 9 to the front of your existing HAFCU account number.
Q: What will the new routing number be?
A: Effective April 2, 2025, the routing number will be 304083309.
Q: Will my terms change on my certificate account(s)?
A: No, the terms of your certificate account will be the same.
Q: Will my terms and rates change on my loan account(s)?
A: No, the rate and term on your fixed rate loan will remain the same until the end of the term.
Q: What accounts will be changing with the merger?
A: HAFCU’s Promotional savings will be transferring to OFCU’s Good Savers Account. HAFCU’s Share College account will be eliminated and transferred to a regular share account. Please see the current rates for all OFCU accounts and certificates and refer to the Account Agreement, Disclosures and Fee Schedule for account details. We encourage you to consider one of our Share Certificate options.
Q: Will I have to order new checks?
A: No, we are working with our processor on capabilities for clearing existing HAFCU checks, and we will update members if anything changes. There is a small amount of duplicate account numbers that will need new checks. We will order — at no cost — a box of checks for those accounts.
Q: Will I be receiving a new VISA® credit card?
A: Credit cards are a separate conversion project. It is scheduled for November 2025. More information will be provided as the project progresses. In the meantime, you will continue to use your cards as normal.
Q: Will Express Teller Connection (ETC) be available?
A: Yes, this FREE 24-hour phone service will be accessible to all members. It provides unlimited access to accounts with any touch-tone phone – at home, work, out of town, anywhere! Let our convenient, automated system guide you step-by-step through your transaction quickly and safely! To connect to ETC in the local Omaha area, call 402.399.9099. For service in-state or out-of-state, dial 800.368.9099. To utilize ETC, you will need your account number and you will select a four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your PIN is a secret number that guards the security and confidentiality of your account. When you apply for ETC, simply indicate on the application what 4 digits you have selected.